About Me

Hi! I'm Amberina!

I spent the first 15 years of my life travelling India and South East Asia with my adventurous father and artistic mother. I passed my time immersed in art, drawing the wonderful sights around us into my trusty sketch pads.

From a very young age I've always been passionate about creating anything and everything. So when I came to the UK and it was time to study, I found it quite difficult to decide which aspect of art to focus on!

I eventually settled on a GNVQ in Art and Design, leading to a BA Honours Degree in Silversmithing, Goldsmithing and Jewellery Design. Finally a 2yr Crystal Healing diploma, which helped me to help others decide which crystals would benefit them in my jewellery.

Having run away with the circus to live in a truck and contact juggle/fire spin my way round Europe (for there is art in movement too), I eventually settled back in the UK.

I now live in Glastonbury with my awesome husband Ross, incredible daughter Echo Rose (Forever Echo's namesake), lovely stepson Seb, and fluffy little Maggie cat.

Safe to say I've had enough of traveling now, and am happy to focus on my art just in the one spot, Glastonbury is absolutely inspirational and so very magical.

It also helps that there is a beautiful crystal shop everywhere you look around here, which is wonderful when it comes to making jewellery and sparkly things in general.

I initially intended Forever Echo to be purely for jewellery, but have found in recent years that I've naturally reverted back to doing a little bit of everything when it comes to art.

Some of my art work is given voluntarily to help with community projects around Glastonbury, like painting rainbow alleyways, illustrating posters to advertise local groups, and Dragons..

I've always been a bit of a dreamer. I love all things magical and other worldly, but Dragons have to be my favourite! Baby Dragons in particular. They give great hugs and are far less likely to accidentally burn my dredlocks off while cuddling.

I hope you enjoy my website, please feel free to contact me if you'd like a chat!